

Radu and his team are perfect professionals, always offering valuable financial advice. I admire Radu's ability to grow his company and his ability to help those who need accounting advice.

Valentin Radu


You are among the most dedicated and good professionals I know. Radu is a good strategist, with long-term goals that he successfully implements.

Robert Butoi

Country Manager

They are perfect professionals! When I needed their help, they gave it to me with the greatest pleasure. They are specialists in the financial field, being aware of everything that means to change the legislation.

Alin Petenciuc


Radu and his team have a lot of experience in the financial field, and their advice is practical and business-oriented. Their expertise helps me.

Iulia Ghita


I warmly recommend Radu and his team for tax and accounting consulting services. They are professionals with a lot of experience in the financial-accounting management of companies.

Bogdan Diaconu


Radu and his team respond with professionalism. Their recommendations are always correct and clear. They understand how the business works. I recommend it to anyone who needs financial services.

Columban Corina

Finance Manager

I was happy when I found out about the application developed by Radu's team, I consider that the financial environment needs a platform to learn from experts answers to current situations. I really appreciate their experience.

Otilia Maxim

Financial Director

Radu and his team are professionals with extensive experience in the financial - fiscal field. They built the first platform of its kind in the field. Congratulations on the application and thank you for your help!

Mihaela Nicoleta VOICU

Financial Director

Radu and his team are professionals in what they do. Thank you very much for the consultancy and I recommend it to anyone with confidence!

Ana Maria Popa


Radu and his team are perfect professionals. They are visionaries in their field of expertise. Through their application but also through the way they communicate and help their clients, it brings Romania into the 21st Century of digitalization and automation. Thanks so much for the advice and help!

Adrian Turcu

Enterprise Data Architect

Top professionals who deliver quality services. I recommend them.

Paul Ursan

Controlling and reporting manager

The CFO App is a great source of information. The structure is simple, user friendly and what is most important, it also offers the indication about the legislation applicable to each subject. The application makes our access to information much easier. Congratulations!

Rober Butoi

Branch Manager

I appreciate and recommend Radu for his willingness to help and for his knowledge in the field of finance. Thank you, Radu!

Andrei Visan

Group Financial Controller

Radu's team is dedicated, responsible, prompt, prepared, proactive. "Money is a reality. Profit is an option." For this option you need Radu and his team!

Ana Daniela Morosanu

Unit Manager Senior Expert

Rarely do you have the opportunity to meet professionals who can easily explain accounting and tax laws. Radu and his team are very good experts, I recommend them.


Regional Manager

Radu and his team are very good professionals. I strongly recommend him as accounting expert as well as human qualities.

Dragos Stoica

Senior Software Architect

Radu and his team are very good professionals, who are very passionate about each project. Sincerity, fairness, involvement and willingness to help are among the defining things.

Livia Florea

Contract Manager

Perfect professionals, well informed and eager to help, in this way I would describe in a few words Radu Georgescu and his team. They helped me with objective and valuable advice and information in the accounting-financial field. Thank you.

Mihai Blajut

Business Development Manager

Radu had the vision, the passion and the tenacity to transpose the fiscal framework - often difficult to understand and tracked - in a smart, accessible, user-friendly format. I particularly appreciate.

Cristina Ungurean

Project Manager

Radu and his team offer a lot of value to the entrepreneurial environment through concrete answers! I recommend them with confidence for financial and accounting services! Good luck!

Oana-Andreea Moldovan

Marketing Specialist

Aplicația dezvoltata de CFO Network este intuitiva si prietenoasa. Am incredere 100% in aceasta aplicatia.

Lucian Florea


Ii recomand pe Radu si echipa lui pentru competenta si profesionalismul demonstrate prin raspunsurile rapide si argumentate pe care mi le-au livrat la problemele de fiscalitate ridicate de mine. Mult succes!

Remus Negrea


Informatia din aplicatia dezvoltata de CFO Notwork este logic structurata si ne ajuta intr-un domeniu cu multe modificari. Pentru un antreprenor este o informatie foarte utila si de incredere.

Alina Chirvase

General Manager

Ii recomand pe Radu si echipa lui pentru serviciile contabile si fiscale. Aplicatia lor imi este foarte utila. Va doresc mult succes!

Simona Anamaria PUREA

Permanent Control Officer

Modul in care funcționeaza aplicatia dezvoltata de CFO Network spune multe despre cei care au lucrat la ea. Intr-un domeniu cam arid cum este contabilitatea, este greu să iesi in evidenta, sa faci niste pași in plus si sa ajuti lumea. Si cu toate astea se vede ca ei vor mai mult si clar vrei sa lucrezi cu oameni cu spiritul acesta.

Răzvan Vișan

General Manager

Il stiu pe Radu de mai mult timp si sunt impresionata de expertiza sa, raspunsurile sale clare. Ii recomand pe Radu si echipa lui oricarei companii care are nevoie de solutii contabile si fiscale.

Lucia Negru

Business Unit Manager

Radu si echipa lui furnizeaza raspunsuri clare la intrebari complexe din domeniul contabil. Ii recomand cu placere.

Mihaela Mariuca Totir

Project Specialist

Sunt bucuros sa spun ca sfaturile lui Radu si mai ales usurinta cu care impartaseste din cunostintele lui m-au ajutat. Folosesc aceasta oportunitate pentru a va recomanda, tuturor celor interesati, sa apelati la serviciile echipei lui Radu: o sa intelegeti ca oameni ca ei dau semnificatie "respectului pentru lucrul bine facut"

Victor Hromei




All you have to do is take pictures of the documents and upload them to the application.


We use UiPath technology to automatically record information in the computer system.
This allows us to send the accounting reports up to the 15th and offer a price up to 50% lower than other suppliers.


If we don’t send you the reports by the 15th, you don’t pay us that month

We digitize accounting and tax information


We have developed the first virtual financial consultant in Romania with the help of which we answer any accounting or fiscal question in maximum 24 hours.


Each client has a dedicated tax consultant.

The financial statements of your company and on the phone


We have developed algorithms with which you can view all financial information in an easy to understand way.


Find out the financial evolution of your company in just a few clicks


  • accountancy
  • starting with 100 euros / month
  • dedicated accounting expert
  • preparation of monthly accounting statements
  • submission of accounting statements to ANAF
  • free access to the first virtual financial consultant in Romania
  • first 3 months discount 50% of the subscription value
  • Contact
  • Tax advice
  • start with 100 euro / month
  • dedicated tax consultant
  • notifications related to legislative changes
  • certification of tax returns
  • free access to the first virtual financial consultant in Romania
  • first 3 months discount 50% of the subscription value
  • Contact
  • Financial analysis
  • starting with 200 euro / month
  • dedicated financial manager
  • monthly financial reports
  • drawing up and analyzing the budget
  • obtaining financing
  • free access to the first virtual financial consultant in Romania
  • Contact
